There’s an announcement for Fishbones, which you can read over at Yuki’s Tumblr. That said, if you or anyone you know is interested in doing paid comic work, please contact me (jisukcho at gmail). If we are unable to find an artist, then the comic will unfortunately have to end. Thank you for your support!
I would step up for the job but I would need to work on my human anatomy more, or else I feel like I would butcher this beautiful comic and story ;~;
However, if nobody else steps up for the job and you do in fact like my artistic style, you may contact me either on DevinatART @ or my email ^^
That moment when you wish you hadn’t procrastinated as an artist for the better part of the last 10 years… Been a fan of Fishbones from the beginning! I would love to see the comic be completed!
I love this comic :3 but i want to buy the novel. Soon i will.
I’m in the same boat as Kasey.
I know I’m not terrible at art but I know there are definitely more things that I need to work on (and am currently working on)