Also, there’s good news! For those of you that wanted to read the novel but missed the chance before, it is now available for download again. Check it out on Tumblr!
Ah, I see where this is going. Ferris is going to be like “Why do you never let me have my own opinion?!” And then he tackles Demos to the ground, and ends up lying on top of him, stating into his beautiful [eye color] eyes. This goes on for an eternity, and then Demos puts a cookie in his mouth, presenting it to Ferris, who begins eating at the other end, until they meet in the middle.
I would have typed more, but I have to tend to this nosebleed.
Yeah you foreshadowed plenty of romantic stuff. I mean, not very openly, but I read between the lines. I saw how erotically Demos stared at Ferris in page 41.
He’s being hostile toward Demos because he has all these weird feelings, and he doesn’t know what to do with them. Go for it, Ferris. Do it for both of us.
I mean… not that I’m into that kind of thing.
In fact, I’m totally- woah, what the… why is my shirt all red? OH NOT AGAIN!
Thank you so much for bringing the novel back out. I started reading it years ago on lj but never finished it due to life getting in the way. Totally regretted it. I just downloaded it and am so grateful I don’t have work tomorrow. lol
why can’t two guys be friends without there being some fan who wishes they’d be lovers? If they end up that way fine, but right now I’m just enjoying their friendship.
I want cookies :O Demos’ face is so lovely when it contorts like that
…this is almost like when my friend said, “I got an A-, nooooo!” =_=
What a surprise to see a new page ! You come back ! \♥/ WELCOME AGAIN \♥/ Love your work, like every time .)
– I want some yaoi ! Ya-oi ! Ya-oi ! Ya-oi !
(Sorry if my English language is bad, I’m French ._.)
Daddy Demos already had this discussion with you Ferris. Stop asking. Eat cookies.
I miss you sooo much ! <3
Ah, I see where this is going. Ferris is going to be like “Why do you never let me have my own opinion?!” And then he tackles Demos to the ground, and ends up lying on top of him, stating into his beautiful [eye color] eyes. This goes on for an eternity, and then Demos puts a cookie in his mouth, presenting it to Ferris, who begins eating at the other end, until they meet in the middle.
I would have typed more, but I have to tend to this nosebleed.
Sorry this made me laugh so hard I pretty much died.
Yeah you foreshadowed plenty of romantic stuff. I mean, not very openly, but I read between the lines. I saw how erotically Demos stared at Ferris in page 41.
He’s being hostile toward Demos because he has all these weird feelings, and he doesn’t know what to do with them. Go for it, Ferris. Do it for both of us.
I mean… not that I’m into that kind of thing.
In fact, I’m totally- woah, what the… why is my shirt all red? OH NOT AGAIN!
and then….
Ferris’s Mom opens the door
and passes out.
OK, now I’m curious.
Is Demo’s one of those naturally skinny guys who can eat like crazy and not gain any pounds?
Not fair!
I swear to got, I read that as ‘Honey’ at first.
“Oh, the horror.” LooooL, Love Demos.
Thank you so much for bringing the novel back out. I started reading it years ago on lj but never finished it due to life getting in the way. Totally regretted it. I just downloaded it and am so grateful I don’t have work tomorrow. lol
YOU’RE BACK! I missed Ferris and Demos. I decided to take a look at this comic after FOREVER, and lo and behold you’re back! I’m just over the moon.
Ohmy.. Noes, I wanna see the next part. D:
This is so good!
mmm cookies and welcome back
did indeed miss you!
happy to see an update. i love how effortlessly you illustrate their dynamic.
I think Ferris is going to tell Demos about Julie… Seeing how they’re best friends and all. ^-^
i missed you! 8’D welcome back! and welcome back good ‘ol Demos attitude, hah.
We all missed you guys!!! And, God Demos, I love you.
Welcome back~! ;;w;; <3
<3 I love this page :3
Cookies for the win
I can't wait for more :3
Just saying, I would love to buy a copy if you get this published :DD xx
why can’t two guys be friends without there being some fan who wishes they’d be lovers? If they end up that way fine, but right now I’m just enjoying their friendship.
They have an adorable friendship. It really doesn’t need to be any more than that!