This is amazing! I love the perspective in the first panel and the motion in the second, and your inking is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!
Hi there! It’s thanks to HamletMachine that I found your gallery, n’ Fishbones.
Ferris made me think about Conrad from HINABN(Hannah Is Not A Boy’s Name), well just a bit hm…
So I decide to watch your comic (and also look all your gallery on dA and all… ^^)
I’ll wait for the next page! Good Luck o/
I read the story a long time ago too, and just found this somehow yesterday, I don’t even know how. Amazing work <3
Also, his mouth look funny in the 4th panel (in a good way) ^^
Wow, I’ve been waiting to see these characters in action for *years*. This is going to be awesome! Congrats on finding a great artist to do the sequentials too- that background is soooo awesome; I am literally in awe of it.
Congratulations on the ~official~ launch! That first panel is pretty epic. Also, love the style used on header banner, Seamus looks entirely too debauched next to Demos and Ferris. Avidly awaiting future updates!
Am loving the style of the characters on the banner! Page looks pawnsome as well, longing to see more!!
Oooh so excited! I loved reading this story! Definitely adding this to my regularly-checked webcomic list. <3
omg i’m so excited i’m so excited i’m so excited. *sits on hands and waits* :B
it looks really good!
cant wait for more!
Hi – just found your comic through “Winters in Lavelle.” Looks intriguing – hope they outrun whoever is chasing them.
This is amazing! I love the perspective in the first panel and the motion in the second, and your inking is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!
Happy Launching!
Congratulations for the first page and I hope we all can see more soon!
Hi there! It’s thanks to HamletMachine that I found your gallery, n’ Fishbones.
Ferris made me think about Conrad from HINABN(Hannah Is Not A Boy’s Name), well just a bit hm…
So I decide to watch your comic (and also look all your gallery on dA and all… ^^)
I’ll wait for the next page! Good Luck o/
Awsome work (plus the banner looks -I’m at a loss of words here-
)… am *drooling* for more, can’t await the update 
Awesome first page! Congratulations on the launch, and keep up the great work!
Hey, great to see this. I really enjoyed the book, so I’m sure this will be great as well!
lul, this looks so AWESOME!~
YEEES YES FINALLY. @u@ <3 <3 <3 So excited you don't even knoow.
*u* <3 <3
Oh man, I am so excite! This looks like a match made in heaven. This is off to a really promising start — the BG in the first panel is gorgeous.
I’m so excited for this comic
I can’t wait to see more!
Grats on launching! I remember reading the story for this a long time ago when you had it available, and really enjoying it~
I hope you’re as proud of the comic as your fans are!
I read the story a long time ago too, and just found this somehow yesterday, I don’t even know how. Amazing work <3
Also, his mouth look funny in the 4th panel (in a good way) ^^
Wow, I’ve been waiting to see these characters in action for *years*. This is going to be awesome! Congrats on finding a great artist to do the sequentials too- that background is soooo awesome; I am literally in awe of it.
Congratulations on the ~official~ launch! That first panel is pretty epic. Also, love the style used on header banner, Seamus looks entirely too debauched next to Demos and Ferris. Avidly awaiting future updates!
c’mon c’mon c’monnnnnn, more pages–!
I wanna check this out so bad!
This just absolutely made my day.
i really love your style if drawing >.> -is envious-
Love the buildings!
H-holy crap, this is the exact year, month, and day I was born! O_o XD Cool~
NICE! Glad to see the comic’s back! I’ve been waiting for a quite while..This has really made my day.