I just love the dictionary definition panels. The gradual disfiguring of the letters and stuff; GAH! They’re super effective and Ferris’ expression that follows are a match made in heaven.
And it shows a lot about the character without actually saying anything; brilliance~
…did this page disappear for like a day for anyone else??
anyway, i agree with everyone else with the whole awsomness of the dictionary panels and also love the look on the poor kids face
Yes, the website automatically updated a day early because I finished the page a day early…if that makes sense? Luckily, Ji took it down and reupdated on appropriate day.
Another fantastic page. I like the effect of the progression with the five Ferris/dictionary panels. Just one thing: Gino says “newphew” instead of nephew.
AHH this comic has such an amazing style..!! It’s neat without trying so hard and so easy to follow visually <3<3<3
can't wait to see where the story goes <3
I just love the dictionary definition panels. The gradual disfiguring of the letters and stuff; GAH! They’re super effective and Ferris’ expression that follows are a match made in heaven.
And it shows a lot about the character without actually saying anything; brilliance~
oh ferris, innocences is overrated.
i love the way you draw his glasses!!
I love what you did with the dictionary pages. That’s a great effect and a great way to get across what was going through Ferris’ head.
i really like this page, for the same reasons others have stated above me; the dictionary zoom-in is super effective
good choice.
now may be a totally inappropriate time to mention that ferris’ sweater looks super comfy. oh well!
Thanks a bunch, I was really worried that it was cheesy and I’m glad you guys think it works!
It seems that since he doesn’t know the colloquial use, he’s imagining something much more graphic. :’o Poor thing.
…did this page disappear for like a day for anyone else??
anyway, i agree with everyone else with the whole awsomness of the dictionary panels and also love the look on the poor kids face
Yes, the website automatically updated a day early because I finished the page a day early…if that makes sense? Luckily, Ji took it down and reupdated on appropriate day.
I like how he has to think about it in the second panel first xD
Another fantastic page. I like the effect of the progression with the five Ferris/dictionary panels. Just one thing: Gino says “newphew” instead of nephew.
Oh my god how did I not notice that, thank you for pointing it out!
wow, this comic is really awesome, your drawings are really dynamic!
AHH this comic has such an amazing style..!! It’s neat without trying so hard and so easy to follow visually <3<3<3
can't wait to see where the story goes <3
The dictionary cuttings have a nice dramatic effect. It works nicely~!
Oh gad, i love minni Ferris so much ;A; <3
My love for Ferris is increasing at a startling rate.
I LOVE the dictionary panels. I think it really speaks about Ferris and how his mind works. It’s so beautiful.