Every page with Demos, I fall in love a little bit more. He’s so animated, even though he looks like he would always have that “cool” demeanor. Love the facial expressions in every panel.
Is it me, or does Demos’s reaction to “Have you ever liked a girl?” looks as if he thought Ferris implied he had never liked a girl because he liked guys?
…Maybe it’s just me.
Anyway, I love this update! Demos just keeps on getting better haha.
No, I got that impression, too. I don’t know why else he would react in such an alarmed way.
And then the way Demos is relieved with he realizes Ferris is talking about himself, like Demos REALLY doesn’t want to personally answer that question.
I just read Fishbones start to current page today, been meaning to for a while, and I have to say I was certainly not disappointed! The art is gorgeous, I am already really invested in the characters and just really excited to see where the story goes from here.
Thank you for all the wonderful pages you’ve put up so far you two. <3
I hope it is all right if I link to it on my site.
Favorite page so far. The expressions, my god the expressions. Demos especially. Also, penultimate panel I almost choked.
Having read the novel Demos’s reaction makes a lot more sense and is satisfying to watch. No spoilers (well actually kinda) but really looking forward to the summer resort talk.
Demos allowing this to so casually slip out took the wind right out of Ferris’ sails. He knew he had something to say, something about girls, but he couldn’t remember what. “You’re… I mean, you…!”
“I mean… I’ve only really liked…” All the blood rushed to Demos’ face, illuminating his radiant features by contrasting his normally pale skin. He grabbed the hand, beside him, and slowly moved his face toward Ferris. “I mean, I only like you.”
Time stood still for an eternity, as Demos inched closer, his mouth beckoning, calling to Ferris. Their lips pressed against each other, and they fell into a powerful embrace. Ferris, paralyzed by the unusual pleasure, could feel tears falling on his face. Tears of joy. Tears of a young man so crippled by the fear of his emotions, finally able to satisfy his aching heart.
The image faded, as Julie awoke, panting, from the strangest dream she’d had in years. “What does THAT mean?”
LOL! Oh god Demos’ face when he hears he met her on the street omg LOL
Every page with Demos, I fall in love a little bit more. He’s so animated, even though he looks like he would always have that “cool” demeanor. Love the facial expressions in every panel.
ferris’ weak little “i met one” oh god ferris you are absolutely too precious. also demos’ reaction is priceless!
Demos just learns “facial expressions” ! It is super effective !!! <3
XDDD OH my gosh! The expressions (especially Demos’) are awesome! I died of laughter-perfect start to my day.
So much love for Demos right now.
Is it me, or does Demos’s reaction to “Have you ever liked a girl?” looks as if he thought Ferris implied he had never liked a girl because he liked guys?
…Maybe it’s just me.
Anyway, I love this update! Demos just keeps on getting better haha.
No, I got that impression, too. I don’t know why else he would react in such an alarmed way.
And then the way Demos is relieved with he realizes Ferris is talking about himself, like Demos REALLY doesn’t want to personally answer that question.
I probably shouldn’t just ASSUME Demos is gay, but I kinda just jumped to that conclusion. This page on reinforced that thought.
This…. This is probably my favorite page. Just from the facial expressions and the direction this conversation has taken. Brilliant job once again
Bwhahahahahhaa! Excellent surprise for this morning~
Nice to see Demo’s caught off guard for once XD
Demo’s face in that second to last panel… “Oh honey, that’s not where you meet girls.”
Oh geez, all of Demos’s faces. So much love.
Oh Ferris- you are so smooth.
Demos…why do you blush when Ferris asked if you ever liked a girl?! POSSIBLY GAY? jk
Oh gosh! I think this is my favourite page. The expressions are so excellent! Poor Ferris!
Hehehe I can’t wait for the page with Demos and Ferris behind the bleachers…should be funny.
Haha oh my goodness. This whole page is just fantastic!
couldn’t help but laugh as i read it xD
Good job! Well worth the wait!
HAHAHAHHAA This is my favorite page so far. These two are hilarious together. Had me stifling giggles at work! I love Demos’ expressions!!
Pfffft- Gotta watch your tongue Ferris.
I just read Fishbones start to current page today, been meaning to for a while, and I have to say I was certainly not disappointed! The art is gorgeous, I am already really invested in the characters and just really excited to see where the story goes from here.
Thank you for all the wonderful pages you’ve put up so far you two. <3
I hope it is all right if I link to it on my site.
I love every expression here!!! XD
omg Demos’ reactions…he is SO CUTE. LMAO oh Ferris you have a way with conversations
this is so charming u wu)))
Favorite page so far. The expressions, my god the expressions. Demos especially. Also, penultimate panel I almost choked.
Having read the novel Demos’s reaction makes a lot more sense and is satisfying to watch. No spoilers (well actually kinda) but really looking forward to the summer resort talk.
Go on with the great work.
Whoa wait, there’s a novel? How did I not know this! Where do I find it?
*whips out money*
I’m ready.
Or wait, FOUND IT YAY~
Wait, you found it?
Lol Demos’ face <3
oh ferris D: don’t you know demos is gay for you??
“Nah, I’ve only really liked guys.”
Demos allowing this to so casually slip out took the wind right out of Ferris’ sails. He knew he had something to say, something about girls, but he couldn’t remember what. “You’re… I mean, you…!”
“I mean… I’ve only really liked…” All the blood rushed to Demos’ face, illuminating his radiant features by contrasting his normally pale skin. He grabbed the hand, beside him, and slowly moved his face toward Ferris. “I mean, I only like you.”
Time stood still for an eternity, as Demos inched closer, his mouth beckoning, calling to Ferris. Their lips pressed against each other, and they fell into a powerful embrace. Ferris, paralyzed by the unusual pleasure, could feel tears falling on his face. Tears of joy. Tears of a young man so crippled by the fear of his emotions, finally able to satisfy his aching heart.
The image faded, as Julie awoke, panting, from the strangest dream she’d had in years. “What does THAT mean?”
Dying XDD
Please tell me THAT is in the comic xD *fanboys*
Squeeeeee!!!!!! Demos iis gay awww cute
baby no
hahaha omg this page x’D
Okay, so I always found Demos’ reaction hilarious. And then I read the book. And now….I know why…. ( =u=)